Let These Past Activities Inspire Your New Ideas

Good news! You can now double the size of your Cabin during cabin activities. If you want, you can join other cabins with your own for an epic adventure during cabin activity time. Work together, compete against one another, or create something new together.
Multi-cabin trip
  • Go with another cabin or two on a trip outside of camp. Whether backpacking or simply into town for some shenanigans, your imagination is the limit.
Large-scale Water Fights
  • Get together with multiple cabins and equip some of our dozens of squirt guns, hoses, balloons, and buckets. You want all-out wet warfare? You got it.
Aquatic Challenges
  • Imagine an epic obstacle course of wetness and fun! You can create or simply partake. 🙂
Cops and Robbers
  • Stage a large-scale heist with other cabins! Who will win? The good or the bad? Or the ugly?
Dinner Theater
  • Prepare a grand show with multiple cabins, then entertain all of camp over a delicious dinner. This is living the high life.
Magic Tournament
  • The much-beloved Magic the Gathering card game...is your whole village into it? Well, let's have a tourny!
Most Dangerous Game
  • Imagine an epic, themed, large-scale game of hide and seek with your entire village. Yeah, campers came up with that.
Obscure Olympics
  • Whatever your brains can muster, let's make it into an olympic game. Test your whole village's skills in the distance rubber chicken toss, or handstand endurance.