Remember when you were a child?  Remember how little was needed to enjoy playing with friends? Remember how imagination filled your head for hours on end?

Camp Augusta “Playstation.” No, it’s not Sony; it’s even better! Play games with little else more than imagination. Games from 50 to over 2000 years old.

In this modern age of television, X-box, Nintendo Wii, Game Cube, the Internet, and yes, Sony Playstation, kids have often forgotten how to be kids . . . how to just play simple games that are simply amazing.  At Camp Augusta, we specialize in Kid 401, where truly a kid can be a kid and have more fun than they knew was even possible.

The below list is not even 10% of what is offered at the Camp Augusta “Playstation!” You’ll have to come to camp to play these, and see what all the others are.

Argue with goats
Scotland invades England
Make butter the hard way
Candle Duels plus
Extreme trigonometry
9 Square
The human paintbrush
Felting organs
Shoe golf
Freedom dancing
Giant chess
Grab-bag dramatics
Whoa! paper airplanes
Design a greenhouse
Physical theater
Monster bubbles,
String games, and origami
Battle Royale
Crazy Canoe
Creek Stomping
Don’t Touch the Ground
Samurai vs. Ninja
Fun with Jonty
Giant Water Fight
I Can Do Anything
Low Zip Line
George Washington
Extreme Trigonometry

Magic / Fake me out!
Dam building
Fool school:  how to trip upstairs, 2 cool magic tricks, basic mime, walk into walls, sneeze gummy worms, etc
Chinese calligraphy
Juggling balls/rings/scarves/diablo/sticks
Cob bench building
Marble madness
Write letters to random people
Mechanical autopsy
Magic 8 ball controls your fate
Practice being old
Make crazy sounds without tools
Poetry and dance
Potion making
Wand making
Every kind of wheels, and you
Taunting traffic
Groundless moving
Tube Rolling
Make a Monster
Puppet Making
Sketching at the Tea Pagoda
Swim to Turtle Rock
Water Bottle Holders
Find Lost Stuff with Neil
Aerobics Photography
Freestyle Silks
Surviving Zombie Attacks
Unicorn Parade

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