After dinner, the whole camp participates in activities together known as evening programs (EP). Camp Augusta’s unique evening programs come in many forms, such as (2009) “Everyday Olympics,” “Nature’s Wrath,” “H20-No!,” “Shakespeare,” “Super Heroes,” “Jokers and Aces Wild,” “Nightfall,” as well as traditional campfires.  We change the programs every year, so campers always experience an original evening program.  All campers and almost all of the staff take part in EPs (sometimes the kitchen staff even join in the fun!).

Our Evening Programs are designed as a themed adventure consisting of an opening skit, a middle task to be completed by the campers and an ending skit.  Evening programs are full of characters, dialog, skits, stations, heroes, villains, smoke, flags, gunk, water, epic challenges and so much more. While many camps play a big group game in the evening (i.e., game shows, big games of dodge ball, Vegas night, MTV night, Dating game, etc.), our Evening Programs don’t just say, “hey kids lets play this game it’ll be fun,” they say, “come with me on a journey of adventure.”  Adults and campers are FULLY playing all games together enthusiastically!

Some Evening Programs We’ve Run

Below are some examples of Evening Programs that have run at camp.

First, check out a couple videos of hit EP’s from last year, Ragnarok and Spies.
These videos were made by camp staff who started their own company offering game programming to camps and schools around the country! Want to get in touch? Reach out to

Past Evening Programs Include

Mission Antarctica

Flash Gordon and the Attack of the Plutonians

Spook Squad

Time Police


Crystal Maze

Yoshimi and the Robots

Zombie Apocolypse

Victory’s Echo

And Many, Many More…
Reach out to for more info about EPs

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