Campers are greeted with the question on the first day “If you could do anything . . . anything you could imagine to do while at camp that is not a regular clinic activity, what would that be?”  From there, creativity and imagination are engaged and incredible experiences are spawned.  Because of that openness and “we can do it” attitude, cabin activities number in the hundreds by way of examples.  Cabin activities are an opportunity to do something special as a group that facilitates bonding, teamwork and togetherness.  There are 5 cabin activities in a one-week session, and a dozen or more in a two-week session.

Campers are also encouraged to look around camp to see if there are any Camp Augusta Pride Projects (CAPP) they would like to do. CAPPs are a time during the week where each cabin has the opportunity to improve or beautify camp in some way. In choosing, CAPP becomes service, not work. It also serves the creativity mission, and allows children to take some ownership over the camp. Children learn to make choices by being given choices with guidance. That’s what CAPP projects are – we’re teaching the campers about service.

Below are over 40 examples.  Cataloged, there are over 400 different cabin activities that have been done in the last eight summer alone.  They start with the question . . . “If you could do anything . . . anything you could imagine to do while at camp that is not a regular clinic activity, what would that be?”
Check out the video at the bottom of this page.

Yuba River Picnic Rube Goldberg Canyoneering Medieval battle
Robin hood Bike into lake Fishing Swim with ducks
Random Acts of Kindness Paint bathhouse Make Bubble Machine Ninja mission
Messy Slip N Slide Improve Signs Around Camp Make Smoke Bombs Board Games on Floating Dock
Gather Blackberries for Cobbler Black light swords Fruit dehydrating Flaming Golf
6 Random Things Trebuchet building Airsoft Cardboard Flame Destruction Triwizard Tournament
Cannon Confetti Chalk mural Dragon making Tie dye bread
Human Bowling Mermaids at Secret Pool Soap making Lotion making
Camp constitution Cabin Improvements Bird feeders Bat box making
Cabin decoration Giant swing painting Earth painting Raft building
Kid 401 Real Fruit Ninja Low Ropes Teambuilding Nature hike
Catapult anything Thermite River surfing Ninja-neering

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