Communication, Independence, and Responsibility: Compassionate Leadership Empowerment

Mission:   “To empower participants with leadership skills that foster peace, empathy, and responsibility in their lives and the lives of those around them.”


The Camp Augusta CIRCLE program combines months of pre-camp reflection and planning with an intense 3-week “on-the-ground” curriculum during July and August. This combination of introspection and action illustrates our vision of what is important to leadership, and how to achieve that. Focused reflections, interpersonal explanation, organization & planning, extensive communication training, peer team building, and intimate interaction with children are just a few ways that we develop compassionate leaders.

As the name indicates, the CIRCLE program is not seeking to be a Counselor-in-Training program. Leadership and personal development are our main focuses, and camp counseling is just one of many, many options that a CIRCLE participant may want to pursue in the future. The skills that we aim to provide will allow a CIRCLE participant to be effective in any area of life that they are passionate about.

An extensive amount of time and effort is required of all CIRCLE participants, so please think deeply about whether or not this is the right opportunity for you at the right time. Coming back as a camper is always an option if you are 16 or under, and that extra year may provide time and more experience that would truly allow you to excel during this program. If you are not sure, and the documents below do not clear up any concerns, we are always happy to chat!


Application Overview

The CIRCLE Program begins in the fall with a rigorous application process that is designed to provide the applicant with ample opportunity to reflect inwardly and to share deeply through a series of essay-style questions. Examples of these reflection questions include, “Who are you?” and “Why is the opportunity to participate in CIRCLE a good fit for who you are and who you want to become?” Admission to the CIRCLE program is a selective process, as our intention is to ensure that all participants are ready and willing to fully engage with the material we cover throughout the entire program. Additionally, there are a limited number of applicants that Camp Augusta can physically accommodate.

Pre-Camp Correspondence Course

Once the application process has concluded in mid-December, accepted applicants can expect to kick off the pre-camp portion of CIRCLE around the New Year. Pre-camp includes 5 months (January – May) of weekly engagement with new material, which comes in the forms of readings, videos, group and individual chats, reflection essays and other projects. In this way, the pre-camp portion of CIRCLE is reminiscent of the 3 ½ week staff training program that we offer our staff prior to each summer season. Topics include communication tools, community living principles, reflections on media and society, and personal organization techniques that are applicable in situations far beyond the realm of Camp Augusta.

3-Week Session at Camp

The final phase of the CIRCLE Program is a three-week intensive experience on the ground at Camp Augusta during the summer. This at-camp experience is designed to strengthen CIRCLErs’ understanding of the pre-camp materials through a combination of workshops and opportunities to practice co-leading various activities for and with campers. Increasingly, CIRCLErs will take on the responsibilities of an Augustan counselor with extensive support from the CIRCLE leaders and other members of the camp staff. Some CIRCLE-specific highlights of the at-camp program include: the creation of original CIRCLE programmatics for camp (playstations, an EP, or other), a wilderness backpacking trip, and ample opportunities to bond and connect with the other members of CIRCLE while learning to co-create magical moments for the younger campers at Augusta.


Please look over these links prior to completing the Pre-Application

About Camp



Director’s Letter

Summer Camp

Camp Augusta Difference

Magical Augusta

Activity Philosophy

A day at camp

Parenting Tune up

Read all sections except the Play and About domains

