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Introducing Collin – Welcome to the Augusta Family!

Oh Hello!

My name is Collin and I’ll be the Puppet Master at Camp this year.

Here’s some quick things about me:

  • I have moved across the country, by car, 3 times now (Connecticut – Southern California – New York – and now here!).
  • Most of my family is from Massachusetts and sometimes that comes out in me. Like when I say certain words or have to explain why Dunkin’ Donuts is better than Starbucks.
  • One of my favorite things to do is to hike to the top of tall things. This is in direct conflict with my general fear of heights.
  • I once came in last place in an ice cream eating contest.
  • Calvin and Hobbes is still my favorite comic series to this day and everyone of any age should read (or re-read it, it’s still good after the 2nd or 10th time).

That’s it for now. I can’t wait for the summer season to finally start so I can begin to meet all of our wonderful campers!

See you then!


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