Aaaaah!!! You starled me. I wasn’t prepared to write a whole page all about myself once again. Yep, once again is right because this is my second year at Camp Augusta as a Cedar counselor! Returning triumphant, I am excited to reconnect with the place I love and the kids I loved leading through journeys of exploration and imagination.

For those of you who haven’t met me while I run through the woods dressed as a dryad of the Cedar woods (see above), here’s a little background information on me.  I grew up in George, Iowa which is a small town of about one thousand people.  I lived on a farm up until I went to college.  I participated in local fairs and raised goats.  I was also an artistic child and loved to tell stories, write, draw, read, and generally create.  I even used to create “string people” out of bits of scrap cloth to have more physical representations of the characters in my head (because everyone knows the store-bought toys are never enough, ask any cat).  The passionate child that I was grew up to become a taller and still passionate child… maybe a little bit of an adult too.  In high school I participated in any theater oriented event I could.  I also attended a theater summer camp in Missoula, Montana for six years in middle school and high school.  That was where I truly experienced the power of the summer camp.  After high school I took a year off to work and then began attending Augustana University in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.  I a currently a senior there with only my student teaching to accomplish in the Fall. Look out schools there’s a new English teacher on the way. The international schools may have to look out too, because I plan on teaching abroad after I graduate, though where is anyone’s guess.

At college my passions never subsided, and I simply seemed to gain more.  I still participate in theater both on the stage and behind the scenes. I also enjoy remaining active by doing yoga, hiking, and kayaking. In contrast to my active side, I love movies and television. I am always up for a deep conversation about what I’m reading or watching. Look out, it may be a heady conversation due to my latest foray into the realm of critical theory. In other words, I’m a huge fan (look up Dr. Henry Jenkins!).  I have also dabbled in government, religion, philosophy, American studies, and art. I took a ceramics class this semester with one of the most interesting professors I’ve ever met, and I hope to create more ceramics this summer.  I also have a penchant for travel which arose in me at a young age. I have spent one month of each of the last two years of school studying abroad.  The first trip I ever took out of the United States was to India!.  This was an insanely eye opening and mind expanding trip.  I loved it so much that I went to Cuba the next year and had a fantastic time again.  I’ve now been to another six countries (Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, France, Italy, and Spain). Feel free to ask me about my travels abroad or in the United States since I love to share what I have learned and experienced. I even plan on teaching English abroad after I finish school next fall!

Don’t let all this information about me fool you, I want to hear about you most of all. If you have any stories  or cool facts I always want to hear them. I find my favorite part of working with people and kids is what I learn from them. It’s definitely true that kids and community are, once again, the reason for my reaturn to Camp Augusta. I love working with the children and within the loving community that forms each summer. Camp helps kids and counselors realize the great potential within themselves, and that’s something I want to be a part of. I can’t wait to meet you out on the woodchips.

Bonus! Some cool pics of me on my travels and being a rad protestor with the Feminist club at my college:

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