
Hello everyone! My name is Tehani Molina, I go by Teha, and I was born in Mexico, this is my first time as a camp counselor, and I am very excited about it. I go to college in San Antonio Texas, and I am studying psychology and neuroscience. Yes, I do get to play with brains every day, and it is fun but also really smelly. I am a swimmer in college, and I do all the boring long distances, however I also do some fun long open water races! Yes, long again, but I promise they are kind of fun when you have a good playlist of songs in your head. I want to be a clinical psychologist in the future and work with kids! In college I am part of the special Olympics club that is a club where we play inclusive sports with kids with many different disabilities. It is super fun because I am someone who won’t ever say no to a quick basketball game.

I decided to work at Camp Augusta because I love kids and who doesn’t want to spend the summer in a place like Nevada City! I have never been at a summer camp, but it was always a dream of mine and I am so very excited to see what Camp Augusta has for me this summer! I spent last summer working at Swim America, a swimming club where I would coach every day with different kids of all ages and it was super fun, I love aquatics sports so be ready to race every once in a while!

I am very excited about getting to know everyone and all the different personalities and fun things about everyone’s year! Something about me is that I can talk for HOURS and when I say HOURS, I mean it! Some of the best conversations happen after a long day of work and I cannot wait to hear what you guys have to say about the things you will learn at Camp Augusta. Something cool about me is that I went to World Championships in 2022 at Seychelles Africa! It was a crazy experience and I got to learn so many things about swimming open waters, like how painful a jelly fish sting can be, but hey that did not make it less fun! I love theater and so you will probably be experiencing a couple dramatic scenes throughout the summer ((: 

I am the eldest of three siblings and yes, I am the funny one, or at least that is what I have been told. Lastly, I am a strong believer that chocolate can make someone’s life better, so I can promise you, you WILL see me eating chocolate at least once a day! I am so excited to get to meet all of you guys soon! Summer better hurry up!!! 
