Camp Augusta Perks & Benefits

Who doesn’t love a perk?

Perks are great little extras that come with a bigger something else – like a tiny bottle of shampoo at a hotel or table bread at a restaurant. In most cases, people don’t opt for something just because of the perk, but we’d be kidding ourselves to pretend the quality of the perk isn’t important! 

Here at Camp Augusta, we understand the magic of ease, extra and free; whatever your perfect blend of perks are, we have something for you. 

And spoiler alert, it’s going to knock tiny shampoo out of the water.

Perks on Perks on Perks

Camp Augusta works hard to find incredible employees, and when you know you’ve got a camp full of awesome individuals you want to treat them right! Camp Augusta offers a huge variety of perks, from creature comforts to professional development to prime adventuring – we’ve got you covered. Let’s break our perks down by a few categories. Scroll along or click on a category that appeals to you.

Those are some great perks, but what about benefits?

Camp Augusta has many full-time, year-round staff that have many benefits.

If you become a part of our permanent team you participate in Camp Augusta’s IRA and health insurance plans. Full-time year-round staff also receive standard health coverage PLUS up to $3500 coverage on incidents and $1000 for illness even if they occur outside of your work time, with a $0 deductible, for each instance. Additionally, our year-round staff do not pay for rent, food, or utilities if they choose to live on site.

Interested in a full-time gig with us? Chat with a member of our hiring team to see if we could be more than just a summer fling.
Give us an email or drop us a line: | (530) 265-3702
Or, submit an interest form:

––The Bottom Line ––

In the business world, the bottom line is that final tell-all number that appears once all the money going in and out has been calculated – it shows the profit you get to put in your pocket. The bottom line for spending a summer at Augusta is a bit more ambiguous as “life-long friendship” doesn’t have a concrete monetary value. 

When deciding if a summer with us is right for you, absolutely consider the fact you will end the season with some money in your pocket and be treated to some sweet perks throughout the summer. The perks don’t cancel out the challenges that come with working a summer at camp, but being well nourished (in both body and soul), having access to re-energizing adventures, and being part of a team that wants to celebrate your work does make a huge difference. If you’re ready for camp, pick Augusta. It’s the right place to spend your summer.
