Pronounces name RUu-uuuuuu

… and also joining us at camp this summer is, KUMARA !


Her name means sweet potato, and she is exactly that! Sweet, golden, gooey, mushy goodness nobody can resist. She goes by KUMA for short.

She’s 7 years young, and loves to cuddle big people, little people, dogs, and cats!

We found each other almost a year and a half ago. I highly suspect her breed is part wolf, part teddy bear, and part Wookiee.

She loves playing in the woods, rolling in the snow, and chasing squirrels. Although she never catches anything, she always does her best and never gives up; and she ALWAYS has fun trying : )



I’m excited to say this is my first summer at Camp Augusta, and I will be celebrating with the joyful campers of Manzi village!!!

It is going to be the most special of summers thanks to all of you!

What am I excited about you may ask?!!?!?!?



For starters, I get to spend my whole summer playing, dancing, frolicking, climbing, yoga-ing, cartwheeling, crafting, growing, creating, and LEARNING from all of you beautiful souls.

Whether I’m hanging upside down on silks, getting dog piled in mud, or taking care of our little green friends in the garden, come say hello and tell me what makes you feel alive! I’d love to hear your dreams and help make them come true!

It’s going to be a magical time and I hope you can’t wait for it to start too!


 Since I’m turning 25 this summer,

let me tell you 25 things about my life!

1. I’m originally from Kansas.

2. I’ve backpacked through 25 different countries, on 6 continents.

3. Now I live near Los Angeles.

4. My favorite color is brown… like poo.


5. I dream of living in a hobbit home one day.





6. One of my biggest passions in life is sustainable farming.


10 points if you can place the little spirits on my overalls. 2016. Photo Credit: Victoria Marcklinger

7. I absolutely ADORE farmer’s markets.

Selling my urban grown green babies… mmm delicious! Photo Credit: Victoria Marcklinger


8. I love aerial silks and all things circus.

9. One of my goals in life is to join a circus.

10. You’ll always find me in the kitchen! It’s my favorite place in my home.


Permaculture Design Course, Canary Islands. 2015.


11. I’m a FRUIT NUT! Sometimes when I’m bored, I go on a hunt to find a fruit I’ve never tried before.

12. My favorite person in the world is my little sister, Alice.


Alice (we call her Dong, her Chinese name) with my best friend, Kirsten. 2005.


now back when I was a wee fat baldy…



Ah yes, the middle part.

13. Favorite Book: The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran. Favorite TV Show: Firefly. Favorite Movie: Princess Mononoke

14. I want to be a professional MMA fighter at some point in life.

15. I have the soul of an old lady, the appetite of an obese woman, and the spirit energy of a manic child.






16. I’m a certified advanced scuba diver.










17. I also love photography.


18. I studied Wildlife Biology and Conservation in college.

19. That POOF sound when you delete something off a mac computer always makes me smile.

20. I used to be terrified of heights, so I learned how to rock climb! I’m still terrified, but I love it.

21. Fruits and veggies have emotions too!

22. Some day I want to give a TED Talk. What about? Let’s come up with some ideas this summer!

23. One time I got squirted in the face with fresh goat milk.

24. I love the smell of fresh worm poo.

25. Oh, and I LOVE costumes.

Honoring Bob Ross at work during my last year of college. 2014.

Totally camouflaged. Am I right? 2011.

That’s all for now folks! I can’t wait to get to know each of you wonders very soon!

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