Let’s talk about agility . . . first, it’s all kinds of fun! Second, it offers a kind of challenge that is difficult to find, especially using many domains of human abilities in succession. Third, while much attention is placed on the value of stamina, endurance, and strength for overall health, not as much is placed on the vital nature of agility, especially as it ties together so many other human capacities. Fourth, well, this could be a whole top 10 list, but there are enough of those in the world, so I’ll stop here. 🙂
Agility Course
Angled Log Climb
Table Wrestling
Rope Swing to Platform
Balance Beams
Rope Wall Climb to Swing
Precision Jumps
Commando Crawl
Tire Steps
Angle Run
Slide down the hill
Friction Wall
Trapeze Swing
Cargo Nets
Bounce Blocks
Flow Center
Trampoline to Rope Swing
Double Hurdles
Trampoline Bounce
Zip Line
Ninja Wall
More keep on getting added . . . come play and find out what!
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