
Hello and welcome to my bio! I’m thrilled to have you here. How are you doing? But wait a minute, how rude of me! Perhaps I should talk a little about myself first and then ask you some questions.

So, my full name is Julia Magdalena Caputa, but everyone calls me Julia or Julka. I’ve never had a nickname, so I would love to have one after this summer. I’m 22 years old, and oh boy, time flies after you turn 18, so you have to live in the moment! I’m from the Great Land of Pierogi, Poland. Recently, I finished my bachelor’s degree in Applied Computer Science, and after the summer, I’ll be starting my master’s in Quantitative Asset and Risk Management at the University of Silesia in Katowice, which is very close to where I live, so I didn’t have to move.

After my two years in uni, I worked as a Junior Unity Developer. To avoid making it too boring and technical Im gonna write about the fun stuff :), I was involved in making video games for VR goggles and collaborating with many other universities in Poland to assist medical students and give them a chance to test their skills during virtual procedures or operations before the real deal.

Now, you might think I spend all my time in front of the screen, and why did I apply to Camp  Augusta? Good question. But there’s another side to me that I love even more than numbers and programming (don’t tell my Professors and colleagues that I said this). It’s CLIMBING and introducing others to the beauty and community that climbing has to offer, whether indoors or outdoors.

My adventure with climbing started pretty late. During my first year of university, I remember having a difficult exam in discrete mathematics, and my friends suggested taking a break from studying and going climbing. Well, I had nothing better to do (other than studying, of course), so I went. I remember my first thought was, “Great, I’ve just spent all day solving math problems, and now I’m solving bouldering ones and contemplating how to position my body—not exactly ideal rest!” But after reluctantly joining them and eventually going alone and joining the university climbing team and competing, I fell in love with it!

For the past two years, I’ve been working at the climbing gym, teaching kids how to climb. So, thank you so much, discrete mathematics, for being so hard! I love working with my group of kids and witnessing how some of them are even better than me! It’s crazy how fast kids learn and how naturally and smartly they position themselves on the wall. Working with them has taught me a lot of things, with the most important being that I do love working with kids. Also, I apologize in advance because I tend to talk too much about climbing, so if we meet, there’s a 100% chance that at some point, we’ll discuss it.

Because of climbing and my wonderful friends, I’ve been on many climbing trips to the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, Croatia, Greece, Italy, and of course, this summer, the USA. I’m most excited and thrilled because it’s going to be my first time in the US and my first time as a counselor. I hope to learn a lot and spread the love of climbing all around the camp and beyond.

And to add some fun, because why not, let’s play a game of “Where’s Julia?” If you find me, you win one climbing fact! See you at the camp this summer!
