
Hello!! 🙂

My name is Avery, and I am a big fan of human pyramids, a balloon animal connoisseur, and a frequent user of face paint (most recently green for my Shrek halloween costume). OH and I am going to be a Counselor in Manzanita Village this summer! This is going to be my second year at Camp Augusta and I am so so (so) excited to get to play under the pine trees again!! When I’m not at camp I work at different zoos and teach people about animals and how us humans can support our environment.

While I love all animals, I have a soft spot for bugs! I spent three years working at an Insect Zoo, taking care of beetles, cockroaches, scorpions, spiders, moths, centipedes, and more! Here I am next to a centipede made out of legos at the zoo (I wish they got this big)

If I was an insect, I think I would be a Mud Dauber, which is a type of really cool wasp (but if I’m being honest all wasps are cool).

This is what they look like, and there are some species that are even blue!!

Wasps like to live next to water, and so do I! I grew up on the banks of the Mississippi River and spent a lot of my time kayaking, swimming, and catching frogs. 🙂 I’m excited to swim in Lake Vera and at Secret Pool this summer!

Just like them I love building and most of my hobbies are craft related. Making friendship bracelets, painting, sewing; if it happens at the craft shack, chances are I love doing it!!

Mud dauber wasps are found all over the United States, just like me! I am from Iowa, but love traveling all over to different ecosystems. In fact I just got back from an internship in Florida!

This is my pug named Wasabi, who loves scrambled eggs and car rides. While you won’t see him at camp, I thought he was too cute not to include!

I am so excited to return to Camp Augusta, and bring my excitement, enthusiasm, and love of insects with me!

Ps I hid a mud dauber in all the pictures in my bio. See if you can find them all!!
