
Hello! I’m Abe which is short for Ibrahim. I turned 19 on October 4th, 2022, which means I will be 19 and three-quarters when the summer starts! I grew up in Piedmont, California, but now I’m a mechanical engineering student at the University of California Merced. I love to problem solve, and I hope mechanical engineering will help me solve the problems of the future! At school, I participate in the archery club and hiking club! I like to go on adventures in my free time, often sleeping out of my car while visiting new places.

I always have a smile on my face and love the rain, even when I’m wearing a t-shirt!  I love everything about the outdoors, even the frigid cold. I enjoy stories and hope to make many over the upcoming summer. I can frequently be caught listening to books on tape or reading outside.

My first year at camp was nine years ago, and I have come back every year they let me back since then! During 2020 I could not return, but I replaced camp with volunteer work tutoring foster kids over the summer and school year. With a one-year gap, that makes this summer my eighth at Augusta! I still can’t get enough and love every second I spend in the magical forest that acts as a summer camp. This summer, the campers lucky enough to be in my cabin will have a hard time finding time in which they aren’t laughing! 

I love animals and have had many pets of all types; currently, two dogs, two cats, a turtle, and many chickens share a home with me. When you see me in person, ask about my many other pets! If you feel up to it, try and guess what animals my roommate keeps in my dorm room!

I can’t wait to create the magic I experienced over my years at Augusta! Make sure to bring your favorite stories and laughter this summer! 
