

Hello campers! Wow… where to begin? I can’t wait to meet everyone this summer; but for now, let me tell you some fun facts about me:

  • I am half human, half lasagne (if the saying
    ‘you are what you eat’ holds any truth…).
  • This is my first time at camp!
  • I’m travelling 5,119 miles to get to camp this summer, all the way from Shardlow, England (you’ll be sick of the British accent by the end of camp!).
  • My secret (and very random) trick, is that I can do almost anything with my nose – making it twitch and flaring my nostrils are the crowd favourites…
  • Michael Phelps is my role model.
  • While at camp, the thing I am going to miss the most from home are my dogs – Albie the Labrador, and Teddy the cavapoo!

Despite this being my first year coming to camp to be a counsellor, I have some previous experience with children – although this is mainly in the swimming department! Having passed my Poolside Helper Qualification, I’m able to teach children how to swim and be confident in the water. Because swimming is such a huge part of my life (competed in British Nationals countless times!), I love being able to pass on my passion to anyone else who wants to improve their skills! The aim this summer is to support the campers and help them along in their camp journey, share amazing experiences (lots of outdoor overnights and exciting games), but most importantly HAVE LOTS OF FUN!

If you’re like me, you’ll already be counting down the days until camp – but in the meantime, you’ll be able to find me spending time with my family, studying, going out for nice dinners, and most commonly, practicing my bad jokes with hopes that they’ll improve before we all get to camp!

I’ll leave you with a riddle… come and let me know at camp if you figured it out!

                        What has cities, but no people. Forests, but no trees, and seas but no fish?