Caroline Estel

From the basketball court to leading the pack during cross country practices; there she goes again! Wide eyed, young-hearted and goodness who could miss those crazy curls of hers flopping around in the wind. She couldn’t be beat, unless it came to waking up early in the morning: the bus was her only obstacle it seemed. Even with this on her plate, she walked the halls with confidence, yet for some reason was always alone. Goofy, yet serious; Popular, yet to herself. It wasn’t that she wasn’t well liked/respected, but over the next year she realized that none of her peers really knew her for who she was or even her favorite color for that matter. They only saw this side of her being the iconic sports ideal, but had no idea about the girl within.

She didn’t let this get her down completely though and found the heart to open up in following years to come. She was entering the world of high school where anyone’s image could be changed. From zero to hero right? Suddenly, a family move caused her to not only change her preferred choice of Nike sweats and classic jerseys in exchange for a blue fitted polo and khakis, but also change the perception others had of her she supposed. Still corky, yet intense; Bold, but still reserved. Through her more expressive clothing choices and personable nature, she seemed to find passion, diversity, and a sense of rhythm at this new school that unknowingly inspired her to take a risk that undoubtedly changed her life.

Fast forward to a few years into university; she decided to take some time off and do something that seemed a bit risky, yet fulfilled one of her lifelong dreams. Without hesitation, she hopped on a plane to Sri Lanka and taught monks for quite some time. At first it was all fun and games until the actual teaching part came into play in which she took more time to focus on. As her adventure came to an end, she realized that this was something she could get used to and from there extended her trip to India. Transitioning into more daring less cautious; Adventurous, yet fearful. Although her trip was extraordinary, she faced an uneasy dilemma upon her arrival home.

Here was this passion that she had found outside of sports, yet she had no clue how to continue doing this! She did what all little “world travelers” tend to do and simply sought out another opportunity to travel. This included studying at a new university and expanding her teaching circle to Spain and Germany, where she continued to do what her heart desired. Passionate and driven, yet bent on making the right final decision. Although, it was hard work, she enjoyed the feeling of not only being independent as she was as a kid, but also showing a different side of herself that essentially created a clearer self image.

Rightfully so, her parents asked her if her sense of travel had faded once she landed in that very airport she took off from just 2 years ago, but it turned out that she had a few more trips in mind. With an almost full passport at hand, she took on another teaching endeavor in Costa Rica and made this passion of hers into not only a career, but also made the decision to continue her life of wonder. At times she wonders how all of this random stuff happened to just another small town Ohio girl, but realized that she made it happen by listening to her passion and following her heart. It may have not always been pretty, but hey, it led her to Camp Augusta, so she must just be on the right journey after all. From a girl who was a bit reserved and a bit lost in her sense of self to a passionate woman ready to take on the world; Oh how things have changed!

Now onto the more formal introduction! (And a picture of me of course!)

Hi there!! My name is Caroline Estel and am from Ohio, if you couldn’t tell by my story. I have been nicknamed the “World Traveler,” but enjoy being at home just as much. You can usually find me riding my older Norwegian bike around town, at a local coffee shop writing/studying or chatting with some friends around campus. I love to play the ukulele and also have a passion for writing. I’m quite goofy, sarcastic, fun-loving and am the most ridiculous dancer. This will be my first year at camp as a counselor. I really hope you enjoyed this little tidbit of my life and looking forward to all the magic and excitement at Camp Augusta!

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