Camp Augusta COVID-19 Information

Updated July 2024

As of June 2024, our COVID-protocols for the summer are as follows:

  • Currently, we are NOT REQUIRING summer/family campers be vaccinated. Our staff will continue to be required to be up-to-date on their COVID vaccinations (meaning they received a COVID vaccine/booster/confirmed case since Sept, 2023)
  • There are no refunds for campers who are unable to come to camp due to testing positive.
  • Due to the recent surge of covid in California we strongly recommend being conscious of any covid exposure the week before your session begins. We also recommend you test your camper before opening day to ensure that your camper is healthy and ready for camp.
  • Any campers with any symptoms of illness (covid or otherwise) will be asked to stay home until symptoms subside.
  • Camp Augusta reserves the right to test campers/families upon arrival as well as during their stay in camp. The decision of mandatory testing upon arrival to camp will be dependent on the most recent contagion data available. In case we require testing upon arrival, please prepare for a 15-30 minute waiting period in or around your car.
  • Any summer/family camper that tests positive for Covid-19 will be asked to be picked up/leave site immediately without a refund.
  • Masks will not be required, with the exception of those who are showing symptoms of any illness while at camp or potentially for those with known COVID-exposure. Masks are required if you’ve been “significantly exposed,” such as a family member or a cabin mate who is positive for covid. After 6 days, we lucira test and if that is clear, masking is no longer required.
  • For a return to summer camp if positive for covid, 6 days from first significant symptoms must pass, and then two additional days of negative tests (with pictures), as well as testing negative when arriving back at Augusta.
  • If a staff member has tested positive for COVID-19, they may return to their duties when they are asymptomatic and fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of medication. This policy is informed by (and slightly more conservative than) these CDC guidelines released on March 1st. Until 7 days has passed since first symptoms, their participation in staffing will be limited to select (lower-transmission risk) clinics while outside and wearing a proper fitting N-95 mask.

Please note: along with our COVID-vaccine requirements, masking and testing guidelines are subject to change at any time. Camp Augusta reserves the right to re-introduce vaccine requirements and mandate testing and masking protocols as seen fit by leadership staff.

Please Review The Below FAQs For Specific Answers To Many Of Your Questions

While we recognize that Covid, currently, doesn’t have the restrictions or implications it did in the first years of the pandemic, there are still considerable risks of Covid, including to 1st and 2nd degree connections, and those could diminish our ability to offer the type of camp experience we want (or camp at all!).

Augusta also works closely with local/national summer camp organizations and the American Camping Association to ensure that we are up to date and in alignment with the summer camp industries best practices regarding COVID-19 vaccinations.

Currently, Camp Augusta is not requiring proof of COVID vaccination from campers and family members, however, we require our staff to be fully immunized. 

For the 2024 season, Camp Augusta will not be offering refunds for a positive test before arrival to camp or a positive test from any test administered at any time while at camp.  Isolation and masking are effective when properly conducted.

Policy in detail:

A $500 non-refundable deposit per camper is taken at time of registration. Camp Augusta reserves the right to retain the $500 non-refundable deposit.

FULL refunds, including the $500 deposit, are available as long as we are able to fill the space (i.e., someone from the waiting list accepts and pays for your forfeited spot).

  • There is no guarantee a forfeited spot will be filled. The closer it gets to summer sessions beginning, the less likely we are able to fill the spot.
  • To the degree that we are able, Camp will offer prorated refunds if the cancellation or interruption occurrence is an insured, covered event.

There are NO REFUNDS for uncontrollable acts of nature or large-scale events outside of Camp Augusta’s control and not an insured event, including but not limited to:

Fire and/or air quality
Contagion/outbreak (Including but not limited to COVID-19)
Utility failures
Civil unrest
Governmental order

Additional refund information:

  • Campers who leave due to illness or injury are refunded 50% of their remaining days.
  •  No refund is made for early withdrawal, late arrival, or dismissal due to poor camper behavior.
  • Camp may dismiss any camper whose behavior, with or without reasonable accommodation, is deemed by camp, in its sole discretion, to be inimical to the operation of camp. In this instance no refund of tuition will be provided, and camp shall not be responsible for any additional costs of food, travel, or lodging that may result.

All policies are subject to change.

Camp Augusta is especially well suited for many of the current recommendations. All activities take place outdoors, meals are served outside, all cabins are open air and cabin groups can form their own pods at camp. We are committed to running a quality program that creates space for campers to connect socially and re-engage in community.

These FAQs are a current look into what Augusta is planning for 2024 regarding our health and safety processes. A lot can happen in the coming months and, as the situation develops, Augusta’s plan will be developing with it.

…A work in progress and subject to change…

“How Lucky I Am To Have Something That Makes Saying Goodbye So Hard.” – Winnie the Pooh.
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